Week 2 - Review questions
- 1. How do you select (activate) tools in Photoshop?
- If the toolbox doesn't show at opening, go to Windows and click on Tools. To activate one of the tools , just click on it.
- 2. How do you access hidden tools?
- When there is a small arrow on the lower right corner of one tool, right click and a box with the hidden tools will appear.
- 3. What would you need to do if you quickly wanted to re-size the canvas back to a 100% view if you were zoomed in or out?
- Double click the zoom tool.
- 4. Where would you adjust individual tool settings?
- In the Tool Options Bar.
- 5. What tool would you use to communicate between clients or service bureaus regarding your file?
- The Notes Tool
- 6. If you wanted to restore your palette locations to their default settings, how would you do this?
- By going to Menu Bar_Window_Workplace_Reset Palette Locations.
- 7. If you can't see a particular palette on your desktop, how would you bring it up?
- By dragging the palette tab from the palette docking well on to the working area
- 8. What is a context menu and how do you activate one?
- A context menu allows you to access different commands corresponding to a particular active tool or to a palette. When a document is open, click on the active tool and then right click to make the context menu appear.
- 9. Explain what a pixel is.
- A pixel is a small colored square, an image is made of thousands of pixels.
- 10. How do you measure the resolution of an image?
- By the number of pixels per linear inch.
- 11. Describe the differences between Resizing and Resampling when working with resolution.
- Resizing an image means enlarging or reducing it without changing the number of pixels. Resampling allows you to scale the image by changing the number of pixels. While there is an inverse relationship between size and resolution when resizing, resampling affects size and resolution independently.
- 12. True or False: The Sharpen filter is the best way to sharpen an image. Why or why not?
- False. The Sharpen Filter is an automatic process, in other words the computer does the sharpening. Using the Unsharp Mask Filter allows you to do it yourself and in addition to use the sharpening for special effects.
- 13. Describe two ways to change the outside dimensions of an image in order to create a thumbnail.
- Open the Image Size dialogue box, check off the Resample Image and Constrain Proportions, and change the number of pixels in the Width or Height boxes. Or change the pixels to percent, and scale down the image until you get to what you want.
- 14. True or False? It's OK to save a new version of a JPG over an older existing version. Why or why not?
- False. It will reduce the quality each time it is saved.